Mr Fahmy's areas of interest include:
- General ENT (adult and children), tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, grommets surgery and snoring surgery
- The Nose (rhinology) including management of sinusitis, treatment of nasal obstruction and endoscopic sinus surgery as well as nose re-shaping (rhinoplasty)
- Ears (otology) services including surgical treatment of middle ear infections, repair of tympanic membrane perforations, clearance of cholesteatoma and reconstruction of middle ear
ossicles. Mr Fahmy's otological surgical activities are regularly updated on a national database.
- Treatment of vertigo and tinnitus
Minor surgical procedures offered:
- Flexible laryngoscopy
- Grommets insertion
- Nasal cautery
- Sinus endoscopy
Specialist services provided
- Allergy testing
- Nasendoscopy
- Hearing assessment
- Tinnitus matching tests
- Epley manoeuvre